
#plntschallenge syngonium mottled

#PLNTSchallenge Syngonium Mottled

During PLNTS Week, we included a free Syngonium Mottled with every order above €30,- placed on April 4th. This rare plant also gives access to our #PLNTSchallenge.

Join us and our community in taking up the #PLNTSchallenge!

This challenge is all about growth, that’s why we included a cute measuring tape with every package. The PLNTSlover with the most beautifully grown Syngonium Mottled has a chance to win €500,- PLNTS shopping credit! Read the following rules on how to participate carefully.

How to participate & rules

Participating is super easy. All you have to do is give your new Syngonium Mottled all the love, attention and care so she will grow into a beautiful bigger plant.

We love to be kept up-to-date on your plants’ growth via stories or posts, but make sure to post a picture of the final growth result on your Instagram before the 4th of July. You must include a picture of the plant with a measuring tape and should measure from soil to top. To make this challenge as fair as possible, only PLNTSlovers who received a Syngonium Mottled during PLNTS Week can join this challenge. **We will check this with the order numbers **.

Ontwerp zonder titel (36).png

Check out the competition!

@isa_87_j & @happygardenhappyhome.jpg

Photo by @isa_87_j & @happygardenhappyhome

@darja.gruen & @annaofplants.jpg

Photo by @darja.gruen & @annaofplants

@leaf_diaries & @philodenmom.png

Photo by @leaf_diaries & @philodenmom



I PLNTS fanno subito la felicità di Renée, che è sempre a caccia di tendenze per le piante. Ispirare la nostra comunità con consigli per gli interni, sorprendenti fai-da-te e divertenti elenchi è ciò che le riesce meglio!

agosto 06, 2023

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#PLNTSchallenge Syngonium Mottled |