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Creating a green workspace at home

Here at PLNTS, we love to work surrounded by plants. In fact, we think that everybody should work with plants by their sides! Even more at a time where a pandemic totally changed our routines and made our kitchen tables turn into home offices. Also after this period, working from home really grew on us and became a new standard. But how hard is it to focus and concentrate on work when the only decoration in our (home) offices consists of a laptop and some stationary? Time to create a happy and green home office, which is perfect to focus on work and keep your spirits up!

The benefits of plants

Decoration and organisation in a workspace is super important. Nobody likes to work on a messy desk, and most of us find it disheartening when the mood on and around the desk is sad: even your workspace should be a happy space! We love to think that this space should be lively, joyful and makes you want to settle down to work. Adding some greenery will soothe the work atmosphere and help inspire you! More than the decorative aspect, there are a lot of benefits of adding plants to your work environment at home. It is even proved that plants bring welfare and comfort. It helps with stress and pressure created by working sessions. How nice?

Plants actually help boost creativity and productivity. Feeling safe and appeased in your work environment makes you more efficient in every thing you do. Plus, as the effect of walking in a green forest helps decrease the production of stress hormones, having plants around you while working helps you decrease the risk of having headaches, exhaustion and feeling of enclosure. Besides that, what is better than working surrounded by your urban jungle?

Which plant to choose in your green workspace?

Now that we convinced you to add some greenery to your homemade workspace, you need to know which plants to choose. You have to take into account many factors. For example the light of the room. But no worries, we are prepared for every taste: from the big beauties that will look great in an empty corner till small babyplants that are perfect for your desk: we have everything you are looking for in an office plant!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for all her benefits. As she’s already used in cosmetics, you will probably know that she’s also able to purify a room. Even better, her purifying skills include bad effects from magnetic waves your electronic devices release. Besides that, she’s an easy-going plant, so you will be able to focus without any risk of your beauty dying ! She will appreciate the sunny location. We also have a super cute tiny version if you lack a place on your desk !

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Vera Aloë


9,95 €

Spathiphyllum (Moon Flower)

The Spathiphyllum has, in addition to being a beautiful plant, the same benefits as the Aloe Vera. You can also surround yourself with her while working! Even though your desk is in a shady location, the Spathiphyllum will be able to make your workspace shine!



The good thing about Philodendron is that there are so many varieties, you can be sure one of them will be perfect for your workspace! They’re really good plants to purify the air and even were on the NASA clean air study! With a Philodendron Verrucosum for example, you will not be exposed to VOCs and carbon monoxide, two air pollutants that are proven to increase drowsiness, headaches and lack of concentration. And we certainly don’t want that when working, right?! Our personal favourite? We'd go for a Philodendron Gloriosum or a Philodendron Melanochrysum!

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Palmier Areca

Also called Butterfly palm, the Areca Palm is native from Madagascar. This beauty is also part of NASA Clean Air Study as she’s an effective VOCs cleaner and natural humidifier! With her tropical look, you will be sure to be at work feeling like being on a white sand beach. The Areca Lutescens will appreciate semi shade or bright light. Will she be your next green co-worker?


Epipremnum Aureum

Last, but not least in the list of best home office plants: the Epipremnum Aureum! According to Japanese studies Epipremnum Aureum is one of the best plants when it comes to producing oxygen. Besides being super easy-going, you can decide if you prefer to let this green friend climb or hang! If you like Feng Shui and Vastu, you will definitely love this Epipremnum Aureum.

We hope that we have been able to inspire you to create your own green workspace at home and we would love to see your green (home)offices! Did you give your workspace a nice and green make-over? Share your workspace on Instagram with the hashtag #PLNTS and who knows, maybe you will be featured in one of our blogs!



I PLNTS fanno subito la felicità di Renée, che è sempre a caccia di tendenze per le piante. Ispirare la nostra comunità con consigli per gli interni, sorprendenti fai-da-te e divertenti elenchi è ciò che le riesce meglio!

agosto 06, 2023

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