Lancifolia Insigne Calathea

Bébé  Calathea Lancifolia Insigne

Plante paon


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Styles de pot parfaits pour cette plante :

Terracotta Pot 11cm Orange
Terracotta Pot 9cm
Happy Harry Pot Beige
Ava Pot Creme
Ava Pot White
    À propos de cette plante

    Don't be afraid of the Rattlesnake plant! The Calathea Lancifolia Insignia has a striking appearance, but is really a sweetheart. She has beautiful lanceolate leaves with wavy edges. The dark green stripes on a light background, burgundy underside and velvety leaves are typical of this Brazilian Beauty. You can understand why she is nicknamed the Rattlesnake Plant! With the right care, this mini can grow into a beautiful houseplant!

    • Diamètre6cm
    • Hauteur±15cm
    • AimerPartiellement ombragé
    • AvantagesPurificateur d'air
    • Respectueux des animauxNon toxique

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