
Baby  Philodendron Mayoi


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Orange Terracotta Pot
Ava Pot White
Jimmy Pot Light Grey
Otis Pot Ocher
Lisa Pot Sea Green
    About this plant

    This aroid has a very distinctive leaf shape, which is really one of a kind. They look a little bit like Monstera leaves, only way more incised! This is the Philodendron Mayoi and is highly wanted by the Philodendron lovers. That’s why she is pretty hard to come by at times, but don’t worry, you have finally found her! A funny fact about her name is that she is named after the aroid botanist that discovered her. What an honor must that be!

    • Diameter3cm
    • Height±8cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!