Alocasia Zebrina

Baby  Alocasia Zebrina

Elephant Ears


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Orange Terracotta Pot
Ava Pot White
Jimmy Pot Light Grey
Otis Pot Ocher
Happy Harry Pot Beige
    About this plant

    The baby Alocasia Zebrina is the princess of the plant savannah. With her beautiful zebra-striped stems she is a feast for the eyes. In nature her leaves grow so big that Alocasias are often called the ‘elephant's ear’ plant. For many animals in the South East Asian rainforest, the leaves of the Alocasia Zebrina, which can sometimes grow up to 100 centimetres in size, offer a safe hiding place. With your care she will grow into a beautiful houseplant and you’ll never get tired of the compliments!

    • Diameter4cm
    • Height±20cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!