This family is known for their beautiful foliage and are loved by many because of how gorgeous they look! She is also known as the ‘never never plant’.
- Geschenke
- Characteristics - Easy
- Characteristics - Air purifying
- Characteristics - Pet friendly
- Characteristics - Hanging plant
- Color - Orange
- Color - Black
- Color - Brown
- Color - Green
- Location - Sun
- Location - Partial sun
- Location - (Half) shade
- Material - Terracotta
- Material - Eco
- Plantfamily - Caladium
- Plantfamily - Calathea
- Plantfamily - Ctenanthe
- Plantfamily - Ficus
- Plantfamily - Monstera
- Plantfamily - Nephrolepis
- Plantfamily - Peperomia
- Plantfamily - Platycerium
- Plantfamily - Pilea
- Plantfamily - Rhaphidophora
- Plantfamily - Sansevieria
- Plantfamily - Strelitzia
- Plantfamily - Stromanthe
- Room - Bathroom
- Room - Bedroom
- Room - Livingroom
- Room - Office
- Standing or hanging - Standing
- Style - Nature
- Style - Basic
- Style - Fun
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