Philodendron (Baumfreund) Verrucosum
Product review
- Wählen Sie Ihren eigenen Liefertag
- 100 % recycelbare Verpackungsmaterialien
- Größte Auswahl an Babypflanzen
- Durchmesser14cm
- Höhe±30cm
- LiebtHalbschattig
- PflegestufeEinfach
- VorteileLuftreiniger
Der Philodendron Verrucosum ist ein seltenes Juwel unter den Philodendren. Er hat so viele einzigartige Eigenschaften, dass man ein Buch darüber schreiben könnte. Er hat wunderschöne, dunkelgrüne, herzförmige Blätter, aus denen die hellen Venen hervorstechen. Die überraschende rote Farbe auf der Unterseite und die schönen behaarten Stiele machen diese besondere Zimmerpflanze zu einem Blickfang, dem man eine Bühne geben möchte, damit man ihn immerzu anstarren kann.
Der Philodendron Verrucosum hat wenig Ansprüche. Er braucht nicht viel Wasser, aber es ist wichtig, dass das Substrat konstant feucht bleibt und nicht austrocknet. Gib ihm daher regelmäßig kleine Schlucke Wasser. Er kann überall im Haus stehen, außer in der prallen Sonne. Seine schönen, einzigartigen Blätter sind empfindlich und verbrennen in der Sonne schnell. Im Frühling und Sommer, in der Wachstumsphase, kannst du ihm regelmäßig etwas Bio-PLNTSdünger geben, sodass er schön wachsen kann.
My favourite so far! Ordered in winter so took a bit of time to adjust, but now it is shooting out new leaves all the time. So gorgeous! And fluffy!!
This I think is my favourite purchase from It arrived in great conditions and has been popping new leaves ever since. Thank you xx
Amazing. It is my favorite website. the package is perfect, the plants are amazing. My Verrucosumis gorgeous
Gorgeous plants! Plenty of leaves & 1 furling. Well packed. I highly recommend this shop!
A very beautiful plant. Was shipped very fast, but had some damage on it´s leafs. PLNTS then offered a refund for the damage. A very fair solution.
Ich habe einen wunderschönen Verucosum bekommen. Er kam viel größer als erwartet und schenkt mir durchgehend neue Blätter. Zuletzt sogar 3 (!!) aus einmal. Außerdem sieht es im Topf aus, alsob es nicht nur ein Verrucosum ist sondern evtl. zwei, das wird sich aber zeigen, sobald er irgendwann mal umgetopft wird.
I'm super happy with this plant! It surprisingly not only survived almost a month (!) in a box during December, it arrived in a very good condition (just tiny mechanical damage here and there) and even unfurled a huge new leaf a few days after taking out of the box, although there is still too little sunlight. Few weeks after it's still thriving and there are 2 or 3 new smaller leaves on their way. The size of the plant is pretty much as it is shown on the image and honestly it's bigger than I thought it would be. So great value for the money. Also the support team is super nice. I won't hesitate to order again!
A fully deserved 5 stars! This was my first time purchasing plants online outside my country (Portugal) and was a bit nervous about it, especially worry about Verrucosum since is such a sensible plant. But what a great experience with PLNTS! The package arrived super fast, 2 days after despatched (what a perfect ghift for New Year's Eve, right?) and all the plants were in perfect condition. Philodendron Verrucosum is gorgeous, bigger than I expected, with no leaves loss and no damages. Good job PLNTS team and a very happy New Year ! You definitely won a loyal customer.
A beautiful plant on photo but gorgeous in reality ; bigger than expected and healthy ; highly recommanded!
I have received it today after 5 days in the post and I couldn’t be any happier. The plant itself isn’t very tall like one of the reviewers mentioned however it’s got 7 large beautiful healthy stems and a tiny one on the way! Healthy , well packaged and arrived with slight damage to only one leaf. Really happy with it.
I recently ordered this philodendron verrocosum and I am beyond pleased with how it arrived as they are notorious for being a bit a diva! There was not a single mark on any of the leaves and it had multiple new leaves about to come out which were all in perfect condition! I ordered this along with two baby plants and also received a free bag! The packaging was fantastic and it also arrived very fast :)
Amazing plant
Simply perfect! I've had my Verrucosum for around two months and it is constantly pushing out mew new growth. Packaged excellently and 100% recyclable too! If i could give more stars, i would.
Despite my plant arriving in less-than-stellar condition, I honestly can't give this plant and seller anything less than 5*, and here's why. I ordered an Alocasia Dragon Scale and a Large Verrucosum. They arrived in good time, about a week. However, when I received the box, it looked as though someone had thrown it off a cliff. The Alocasia was okay, with only one crushed leaf, however the Verrucosum was quite beat up, with all of the leaves being somewhat crushed but thankfully the stems intact. The thing is, the plants would have been completely obliterated if it weren't for the seller's excellent packaging. Both plants came in a recycled eco plastic tube-thing within the box, which took most of the beating. If it weren't for the plastic tube and other cushioning, the plants would have been DOA without a doubt. So the seller's meticulous packaging thankfully saved these plants from the terrible handling of either the Dutch or UK postal service, which is of course not the seller's fault. I contacted her to advise that the plants arrived in this condition, not looking for compensation but to simply advise that the postal services were treating these packages roughly and that perhaps the boxes could do with more warning of fragile contents etc. However, the seller still offered to take half off the price of the Verrucosum along with a future discount code as an apology despite it not being her fault. Honestly an A* seller and I will be buying from her again due to the excellent customer service (not to mention that the plants, minus the mechanical damage, were extremely healthy otherwise - the Verrucosum was about 10cm taller than advertised).
Absolutely gorgeous plant! Big size and great condition! Thank you so much im very happy!
The plant is beautiful, but I was expecting it to be a little bigger, this is the most expensive plant I have ordered. Some of the leaves have yellow edges and the biggest one has a large chunk out of the tip which seems to have been there before packaging.
Deine Bestellung wird so schnell wie möglich von Hand ausgewählt und in unserer starken und nachhaltigen Verpackung verpackt, danach wird sie direkt aus unserem Gewächshaus von deinem gewählten Zusteller zu dir nach Hause geliefert. Du kannst die Reise deiner Pflanzen über den Tracking-Link verfolgen, den du in deiner Mail erhältst. Wenn du Fragen zu deiner Bestellung und dem Versand hast, kannst du dich an unser Support-Team wenden.
Wir erwarten, dass jede Bestellung in einwandfreiem Zustand ankommt. Wir kümmern uns intensiv um die Pflanzen in unserem Gewächshaus und verwenden spezielle und so nachhaltige wie mögliche Schutzverpackungen für den Versand unserer Pflanzen. Wir haben auch einen ausführlichen Blog darüber geschrieben, wie du deine Pflanzen nach dem Versand auspackst und für das Wachstum vorbereitest. Es gibt jedoch seltene Fälle, in denen unsere Pflanzen nicht ihr volles Potenzial erreichen. Deshalb sind alle Pflanzen 30 Tage garantiert nach Ankunft, wenn sie noch in ihrem originalen Anzuchttopf sind.
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Alles über Philodendron
Philodendron sind eine einzigartige und vielseitige Wahl für Zimmerpflanzen, da es sie in verschiedenen Größen, Formen und Farben gibt. Vom klassischen Herzblatt-Philodendron mit seinen zarten, herzförmigen Blättern bis zum exotischen roten Smaragd mit seinen tiefroten Stielen und glänzend grünen Blättern gibt es für jeden Stil und Raum den passenden Philodendron.
Wusstest du, dass Philodendron auch als Liebesbäume bekannt sind? Der Name Philodendron leitet sich von den griechischen Wörtern „Philo", was Liebe bedeutet, und „Dendron", was Baum bedeutet, ab.