Ficus Tineke

Ficus Tineke

Rubber tree plant


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Elho Vick Pot White
Elho plant pot black
Elho plant pot green
Plant Saucer Transparent
    About this plant
    Ficus elastica 'Tineke' has large, striking oval leaves, just like her sister Robusta. What is special about Tineke, are her white variegated leaves that look a bit like a camouflage army uniform. The Ficus elastica is also known as the "rubber tree". She earned this nickname thanks to the plant sap, that was once used for the production of rubber. Nowadays, this popular plant steals the show in many a living room, where she also provides purified air. NASA even proclaimed her one of the top-10 most air-purifying houseplants in the world! Despite the fame, Tineke has always remained humble. She requires minimal care and doesn’t ask for a lot of space. Actually, she is no one to stand in the spotlights: place her in a light spot, but she doesn’t like direct sunlight.
    • Diameter27cm
    • Height±90cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • Care levelEasy
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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