Philodendron Nangaritense

Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole


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  • Straight from the nursery
  • The largest range of baby plants
  • 100% recyclable packaging materials

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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Hubert Pot Taupe
Terracotta Pot Orange
Mia Pot Terra
Perla Pot Creme
Stu Pot Ceramic
    About this plant

    The Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole is an absolute sweetheart (not only because of her heart shaped leaves) and a rare species of Philodendron. Her leaves are really delicate and shiny, but you cannot miss the large fuzzy petioles! The new leaves are light green with sometimes a hint of pink, special right? However, they turn a slightly darker green once they are fully grown. This is the perfect plant for anyone who is looking for a beautiful new Philodendron that is not very common.

    • Diameter12cm
    • Height±20cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • Care levelEasy
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!